Statement - We've been let down by Shopify, here's what happened and what you need to do

December 27, 2023
Statement-We-ve-been-let-down-by-Shopify-here-s-what-happened-and-what-you-need-to-do Greens Essentials Croxley Green Rickmansworth
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Dear Valued Customers,

We come to you today with a heavy heart and a deep sense of responsibility. Over the past weeks, we've faced challenges that have led to unintended disruptions in our service to you, our loyal customers. We deeply regret the inconvenience and frustration you may have experienced as a result.

I would like to clarify that we at no point did this intentionally and this is sheer timing and relying on technology partners that are simply not reliable, we have since rectified this to ensure this, never, ever happens again. This let down by Shopify has truly crucified our past customer experience and we simply are not that business. I'm not one to make excuses hence I've written this today. If you require any supporting evidence, please message us at and we will support you. 

To provide clarity on the sequence of events:

Delayed Shipments: Due to unforeseen internal issues, some of your orders were not shipped as promptly as you expected. This was an oversight on our part, and for that, we are truly sorry.

Shopify Payment Issue: When we asked some of you to reorder, we encountered an issue with the Shopify payment system, followed by complications with our payment provider.

Refund Complications: As a result, Shopify advised us to initiate refunds for all affected orders. While we immediately took steps to process these refunds, we faced an unforeseen technical challenge that prevented us from completing all transactions. [(Attachment: Image for your reference)].

As you Chargeback, the bank will be forced to take it from this balance. So if they don't give this to us, or you - then the bank will give this to you by Force. It's UK law, thankfully. 

Outstanding Balances: For transparency, we've attached a photo detailing the balances Shopify owes to us, which represent a large amount far higher than your refund amounts. We want to assure you that we've successfully refunded all customers with orders placed before December 13th. Any orders placed after this date have been processed and shipped without any hitches.

For those still awaiting refunds and facing challenges:

Steps to Follow:

Contact Your Bank: Reach out to your bank or financial institution and request a refund for the specific transaction in question.

Provide Documentation: Attach the provided images detailing the refund transactions and balances.

Bank Processing: Once the necessary documentation is provided, your bank should process the refund in due course.

We understand that trust is hard-earned and easily broken. Please know that we are taking comprehensive measures to ensure that such issues do not recur in the future. Your satisfaction and trust are paramount to us, and we are committed to making things right.

I'd like to say as a family business I think Shopify not committing to refunds as a responsible payment gateway provider is inhumane, unethical and incredibly saddening especially given this is around Christmas period, during a recession. Times are tough for everyone. All emails and messages have been saved and we are pursuing legal action. If you've been affected and we are successful in our claim, we will be reaching out to you. Until then, please continue with your chargeback.

New orders since 13th December after 5pm are unaffected. We've got a new Payment Gateway, a new Shipping provider and we are automatically upgrading all orders up to Evri Next Day whom work 7 Days a week. I can confirm we are on track and up to speed.

Until then, Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, from my family to yours.

Once again, we sincerely apologise for the inconveniences caused and deeply appreciate your patience and understanding during this time.

Warm regards,

Jayson Kandiah - Founder, Greens Essentials

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