Indulge in Luxurious Flavour: Discover Lindt Excellence 85% Cocoa Robust Dark Chocolate

June 26, 2024
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Today, we dive into the world of gourmet chocolate with a spotlight on Lindt Excellence 85% Cocoa Robust Dark Chocolate. This exquisite chocolate is not just a treat; it's an experience that promises to tantalise your taste buds while providing numerous health benefits. In this blog, we'll explore why Lindt Excellence 85% Cocoa should be your go-to chocolate, its benefits, and how you can easily purchase it from Green's Essentials. Get ready to indulge in luxurious flavour!

The Allure of Lindt Excellence 85% Cocoa Robust Dark Chocolate

Lindt Excellence 85% Cocoa Robust Dark Chocolate is a masterpiece crafted by Lindt's master chocolatiers. Known for its rich, intense flavour, this dark chocolate offers a unique blend of robust cocoa notes that are both bitter and slightly sweet. It's a perfect choice for those who appreciate the finer things in life.

A Symphony of Flavours

When you take a bite of Lindt Excellence 85% Cocoa, you are greeted with a symphony of flavours. The initial bitterness gives way to deep, rich cocoa notes, followed by subtle hints of vanilla and dried fruit. This complexity makes each piece a journey of discovery, with every bite offering a new sensation.

The Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate, especially one with high cocoa content like Lindt Excellence 85%, is known for its health benefits. Consuming dark chocolate in moderation can be a delicious way to incorporate antioxidants and other beneficial compounds into your diet.

Rich in Antioxidants

Lindt Excellence 85% Cocoa is packed with antioxidants, which help combat free radicals in the body. These antioxidants can help reduce inflammation, improve heart health, and even lower the risk of certain diseases.

Heart Health

Studies have shown that the flavonoids in dark chocolate can improve circulation, reduce blood pressure, and lower cholesterol levels. Enjoying a piece of Lindt Excellence 85% Cocoa can be a heart-healthy treat.

Mood Booster

Dark chocolate stimulates the production of endorphins, the body's natural feel-good chemicals. It also contains serotonin, which acts as an antidepressant. So, a piece of Lindt Excellence 85% Cocoa can lift your spirits and make your day better.

Why Choose Lindt Excellence 85% Cocoa from Green's Essentials?

At Greens Essentials, we are committed to offering only the best products to our customers. Here's why you should choose Lindt Excellence 85% Cocoa from our store:

Quality Assurance

We source our Lindt chocolates directly from trusted suppliers, ensuring that you receive the freshest and highest quality product. Each bar of Lindt Excellence 85% Cocoa is handled with care to maintain its exquisite flavour and texture.


Shopping at Greens Essentials is easy and convenient. You can browse our extensive range of products online at and have your favourite Lindt chocolates delivered straight to your doorstep. Alternatively, visit our store at 295 Baldwins Lane, Croxley Green, WD3 3LE, where our friendly staff are ready to assist you.

Competitive Prices

We offer competitive prices on all our products, including Lindt Excellence 85% Cocoa. Enjoy premium chocolate without breaking the bank.

How to Enjoy Lindt Excellence 85% Cocoa Robust Dark Chocolate

Lindt Excellence 85% Cocoa can be enjoyed in many ways. Here are some ideas to enhance your chocolate experience:

Pairing with Beverages

Pair Lindt Excellence 85% Cocoa with a glass of red wine or a cup of rich, dark coffee. The bitter notes of the chocolate complement the complex flavours of these beverages, creating a harmonious taste experience.

Baking and Cooking

Incorporate Lindt Excellence 85% Cocoa into your baking and cooking. Use it to make decadent desserts like chocolate mousse, brownies, or even a rich chocolate sauce to drizzle over ice cream.

Mindful Eating

Take the time to savour each piece of Lindt Excellence 85% Cocoa. Mindful eating enhances the sensory experience, allowing you to fully appreciate the intricate flavours and textures.

The Lindt Legacy

Lindt has been synonymous with fine chocolate since 1845. With over 175 years of expertise, Lindt's master chocolatiers continue to innovate and create chocolates that delight chocolate lovers worldwide. Lindt Excellence 85% Cocoa is a testament to this legacy, offering a luxurious chocolate experience that stands the test of time.

You Must Try!

  • Lindt Excellence Orange Dark Chocolate Bar - Buy now
  • Lindt Excellence 70% Mint Intense Dark Chocolate  Bar - Buy now

Indulge in Excellence Today!

Are you ready to elevate your chocolate experience? Indulge in the luxurious flavour of Lindt Excellence 85% Cocoa Robust Dark Chocolate today. Visit to place your order online or come by our store at 295 Baldwins Lane, Croxley Green, WD3 3LE. Don't miss out on the opportunity to enjoy one of the finest dark chocolates available.

Lindt Excellence 85% Cocoa Robust Dark Chocolate is more than just a treat; it's a luxurious experience that offers both flavour and health benefits. At Greens Essentials, we are proud to offer this premium chocolate to our customers. Whether you enjoy it on its own, pair it with your favourite beverage, or use it in your culinary creations, Lindt Excellence 85% Cocoa is sure to impress.

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