Haribo Yellow Bellies Minis - 60g - Greens Essentials
    Haribo Yellow Bellies Minis - 60g - Greens Essentials
Haribo Yellow Bellies Minis - 60g - Greens Essentials
Haribo Yellow Bellies Minis - 60g - Greens Essentials
    Haribo Yellow Bellies Minis - 60g - Greens Essentials
Haribo Yellow Bellies Minis - 60g - Greens Essentials


Sirop de glucose, sucre, dextrose, gélatine, acidifiant : acide citrique, arôme, concentrés de fruits et de plantes : pomme, aronia, cassis, carotte, sureau, raisin, hibiscus, kiwi, citron, orange, radis, carthame, spiruline, agents d'enrobage : Cire d'abeille, cire de carnauba, sirop de sucre caramélisé, extrait de sureau


  • Gommes à saveur de fruits avec gomme à mousse sucrée
  • Packs marqués au prix de 50p

Détails techniques:



Sirop de glucose, sucre, dextrose, gélatine, acidifiant : acide citrique, arôme, concentrés de fruits et de plantes : pomme, aronia, cassis, carotte, sureau, raisin, hibiscus, kiwi, citron, orange, radis, carthame, spiruline, agents d'enrobage : Cire d'abeille, cire de carnauba, sirop de sucre caramélisé, extrait de sureau


  • Gommes à saveur de fruits avec gomme à mousse sucrée
  • Packs marqués au prix de 50p

Détails techniques:

Haribo Mini Ventres Jaunes - 60g

Candies par HARIBO
Prix habituel
Prix soldé
Prix habituel
Taxe inclu. Frais de port calculés à la caisse.


Frequently asked Questions

How can I place an order?

To place an order, simply browse our website, select the desired items, and add them to your shopping cart. Proceed to checkout, where you'll fill in your shipping and payment details. Once confirmed, your order will be processed.


What payment methods do you accept?

We accept various payment methods including credit/debit cards (Visa, Mastercard, American Express).


How can I track my order?

Once your order is shipped, you'll receive a confirmation email containing a tracking number. You can use this number on our website's tracking page or directly on the courier's website to monitor the status of your delivery.cription


What is your return policy?

We have a hassle-free return policy within [number] days of receiving your order. Items must be in their original condition with tags intact. Simply contact our customer service team to initiate the return process.

Refund processing times vary depending on the payment method and the reason for the refund. Generally, refunds are processed within 3-5 business days after the request has been approved.Some description


Do you ship internationally?

Yes, we offer international shipping to most countries. Shipping costs and delivery times may vary depending on your location. Please refer to our shipping information page for more details.

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